2024 Season- Resilient Edge worked with the PAHS Field Hockey team

For the first time in 9 years they made it to play offs and district semi-finals! Pre and post test showed team growth in the following areas:

Collaboration during games and practices: 35% increase.

Team Unity and Team Spirit: 36% increase

Every team member feels included and valued on the team: 15% increase

Clear communication amongst the team during games/practices: 13% increase

Players comfortablility communicating ones thoughts and feelings to the team: 21% Increase

Effectiveness at problem solving and making decisoins duing high pressure situations: 28% Increase

For more statistics click the botton below

2024-2025 Resilient Edge worked with the PAHS Cheerleaders!

Resilient Edge is continuing to work with the cheer team on teambuilding, communication, and mental health. More information to come

2025 NJCIE Winter Conference

This letter was given to Kory by a teacher who attended one of his sessions!